Investment portfolios
Customized portfolios matched to meet your goals.
Premier 360 investment strategies are designed to meet your unique goals with a combination of tactical management and advanced technology.
All Premier 360 investment strategies include…
- Professional tactical management
- Flat monthly advisory fee
- Real-time tracking
- 100% focus on returns
- Transparent fund activity
- 24 / 7 access to team
- Handcrafted design
- Full liquidity, use, and control
- Ability to move anytime
What does a tactical investment approach mean?
When it comes to investing, there are two approaches you can take: tactical and passive. Discover why Premier 360 prefers a tactical approach to investing.
‘Buy and Hope’ is not an investment strategy
Americans have been conditioned to believe in a passive investment approach. They’re told to buy and hold onto a set of products and continue the course even when the market crashes by 40%.
This ‘buy and hope’ mentality is cheap, but can be potentially dangerous
Frequently Asked Questions
Which portfolio is right for me?
The right type of portfolio depends on what you’re looking to get out of it. We’ve created a detailed section for each of our four managed portfolios that go over the common characteristics of that type of investor. Review your options at the top of this page and speak with one of our licensed representatives to get started.
Are my assets secure?
Yes. Your assets are fully-secured and backed by two of the largest brokerage firms in the world: Charles Schwab and TD Ameritrade.
Do I lose access to my funds?
No. We have structured each portfolio to move to 100% cash, if needed. You have complete access and control over your account. Certain fees and penalties may apply so speak with a representative about your options.
What does ‘tactical investing’ mean?
The typical investing approach we see so often is what we call passive. It’s the old ‘buy and hold’ analogy, except nowadays, has become more like the
buy and hope’ analogy. Premier 360 thinks differently about your investments.
Using tactical approach, we’re able to actively manage your portfolio on a daily basis; allowing us to quickly rotate from offense to defense, if necessary.
With a personalized tactical approach, your portfolio focuses on returns with the optimal amount of risk.
What if I’m not happy, am I able to leave?
Yes. The account you create with Premier 360 100% belongs to you. If you unfortunately decide to part way with us, your account is fully-portable and can be moved.